New Order of Saint Francis and Saint Clair Saint Anthony's Guild



 St. Anthony's Guild:

If you like to join the St. Anthony's Guild,

Membership Form is attached here:


You are supporting our services for God's people.

We are helping thousands of people in their  basic needs, food, clothes,   social services, and counseling.

You can donate to the Church PNC account via "Zelle" using our email

Or send your donation via Check made out to "St. Anthony Church"

and Mail it to:

St. Anthony Church

5247 Sheridan Street

Detroit, MI 48213

Your donations are Tax deductible as we are a non-for-profit Church

 Would like to give?

One Time  -  Weekly  -  Monthly  -   Annually  

          Donation Amount: $25  $50   $75  $100  $250 or Other 

You can include in your donation a memo: I would like to give in honor of a loved one. Or I would like to have Mass celebrated for my departed family members, friends, neighbors. 

Thank you! 

God bless you and your loved ones. 

Peace and Love in your heart!

For membership as a Franciscan: 

General of the Order, Dr. Karl Rodig, NOSF 

Cathedral Abbey of St. Anthony


Further websites:

For a NOSF Application form, please print out the forms below, and mail it to:

Prior Dr. Karl Rodig, NOSF
Abbey of St. Anthony
5247 Sheridan Street
Detroit, MI 48213

NOSF Applicatin Form.pdf NOSF Applicatin Form.pdf
Size : 60.675 Kb
Type : pdf

5247 Sheridan Street
Detroit, Michigan 48213
PH 313-279-5561