New Order of Saint Francis and Saint Clair

St. Anthony Food and Clothes Pantry

Feeding those in need of food assistance is an important outreach ministry for the friars, sisters, and the congregation of the Abbey. 

St. Anthony Abbey is situated in the heart of the East side of Detroit.  One of the hardest hit areas with many people without work or the means to support themselves.  Providing clothes and food is a much needed service to the community.

Clothe the naked, feed the hungry...

 We are called to clothe those who are without by the       Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Our brother St. Francis, was a powerful example of giving all that he had to those less fortunate.  So too, our mission is to reach out to those in our neighborhood who need clothing.

Urban Farming

We have a large plot of our land within the compound of the Abbey to plant an assortment of flowers and vegetables.  This goes hand in hand with the non-perishable food made available through our food pantry ministry.

The Congregation, Friars and Sisters of the Abbey plant and grow our own vegetables for use throughout the year to assist us in meeting the food needs of our community too.